@ -1,101 +1,68 @@ |
let log = Format.printf |
module Leaflet = struct |
(* get the leaflet object *) |
let leaflet = |
match Jv.(find global "L") with |
| Some l -> l |
| None -> failwith "can't load leaflet" |
let map = Leaflet.Map.create_on "map" |
(* get popup object *) |
let popup = Jv.call leaflet "popup" [||] |
let () = |
let osm_layer = Leaflet.Layer.create_tile_osm None in |
Leaflet.Layer.add_to map osm_layer |
(* create a map *) |
let map = |
log "creating map@\n"; |
let open Brr in |
let _container = El.div ~at:At.[ id (Jstr.v "map") ] [] in |
Jv.call leaflet "map" [| Jv.of_string "map" |] |
let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local Brr.G.window |
(* create map tile layer *) |
let tile_layer = |
log "creating tile layer@\n"; |
Jv.call leaflet "tileLayer" |
[| Jv.of_string "https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" |
; Jv.obj |
[| ( "attribution" |
, Jv.of_string |
{|© <a href="https://.www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors|} |
) |
|] |
|] |
(* set map's view *) |
(* try to set map's view to last position viewed by using web storage *) |
let () = |
log "setting view@\n"; |
let lat = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lat") in |
let lng = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lng") in |
let zoom = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage (Jstr.of_string "zoom") in |
match (lat, lng, zoom) with |
| Some lat, Some lng, Some zoom -> |
let lat = Jstr.to_float lat in |
let lng = Jstr.to_float lng in |
let zoom = |
match Jstr.to_int zoom with |
| None -> failwith "view storage bug" |
| Some zoom -> Some zoom |
in |
let latlng = Leaflet.Latlng.create lat lng in |
ignore @@ Leaflet.Map.set_view latlng ~zoom map |
| _ -> |
let latlng = Leaflet.Latlng.create 51.505 (-0.09) in |
ignore @@ Leaflet.Map.set_view latlng ~zoom:(Some 13) map |
(* add tile layer *) |
let () = |
log "adding tile layer@\n"; |
let _map : Jv.t = Jv.call tile_layer "addTo" [| map |] in |
() |
let storage = Brr_io.Storage.local Brr.G.window |
(* set map's view *) |
(* try to set map's view to last position viewed by using web storage *) |
let () = |
log "setting view@\n"; |
let lat = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lat") in |
let lng = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lng") in |
let zoom = Brr_io.Storage.get_item storage (Jstr.of_string "zoom") in |
match (lat, lng, zoom) with |
| Some lat, Some lng, Some zoom -> |
let latlng = |
Jv.call leaflet "latLng" [| Jv.of_jstr lat; Jv.of_jstr lng |] |
in |
ignore @@ Jv.call map "setView" [| latlng; Jv.of_jstr zoom |] |
| _ -> |
let latlng = |
Jv.call leaflet "latLng" [| Jv.of_float 51.505; Jv.of_float (-0.09) |] |
in |
ignore @@ Jv.call map "setView" [| latlng; Jv.of_int 13 |] |
let on_moveend _event = |
log "on moveend event@\n"; |
let latlng = Jv.call map "getCenter" [||] in |
(*we need to wrap coordinates so we don't drift into a parralel universe and lose track of markers :^) *) |
let wrapped_latlng = Jv.call map "wrapLatLng" [| latlng |] in |
let lat = Jv.get wrapped_latlng "lat" in |
let lng = Jv.get wrapped_latlng "lng" in |
match |
Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lat") (Jv.to_jstr lat) |
with |
let on_moveend _event = |
log "on moveend event@\n"; |
let latlng = Leaflet.Map.get_center map in |
(*we need to wrap coordinates so we don't drift into a parralel universe and lose track of markers :^) *) |
let wrapped_latlng = Leaflet.Map.wrap_latlng latlng map in |
let lat = Leaflet.Latlng.lat latlng |> Jv.of_float |> Jv.to_jstr in |
let lng = Leaflet.Latlng.lng latlng |> Jv.of_float |> Jv.to_jstr in |
match Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lat") lat with |
| (exception Jv.Error _) | Error _ -> failwith "can't set latlng storage" |
| Ok () -> ( |
match Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lng") lng with |
| (exception Jv.Error _) | Error _ -> failwith "can't set latlng storage" |
| Ok () -> ( |
match |
Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage (Jstr.of_string "lng") (Jv.to_jstr lng) |
with |
| (exception Jv.Error _) | Error _ -> failwith "can't set latlng storage" |
| Ok () -> |
let is_wrapped = |
not @@ Jv.to_bool @@ Jv.call latlng "equals" [| wrapped_latlng |] |
in |
if is_wrapped then ( |
log "setView to wrapped coordinate@\n"; |
(* warning: calling setView in on_moveend can cause recursion *) |
ignore @@ Jv.call map "setView" [| wrapped_latlng |] ) ) |
| Ok () -> |
let is_wrapped = not @@ Leaflet.Latlng.equals latlng wrapped_latlng in |
if is_wrapped then ( |
log "setView to wrapped coordinate@\n"; |
(* warning: calling setView in on_moveend can cause recursion *) |
Leaflet.Map.set_view wrapped_latlng ~zoom:None map ) ) |
let on_zoomend _event = |
log "on zoomend event@\n"; |
let zoom = Jv.call map "getZoom" [||] in |
match |
Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage (Jstr.of_string "zoom") (Jv.to_jstr zoom) |
with |
| (exception Jv.Error _) | Error _ -> failwith "can't set latlng storage" |
| Ok () -> () |
let on_zoomend _event = |
log "on zoomend event@\n"; |
let zoom = Leaflet.Map.get_zoom map in |
match |
Brr_io.Storage.set_item storage (Jstr.of_string "zoom") |
(Jv.to_jstr @@ Jv.of_int zoom) |
with |
| (exception Jv.Error _) | Error _ -> failwith "can't set latlng storage" |
| Ok () -> () |
let () = |
log "add on (move/zoom)end event@\n"; |
ignore @@ Jv.call map "on" [| Jv.of_string "moveend"; Jv.repr on_moveend |]; |
ignore @@ Jv.call map "on" [| Jv.of_string "zoomend"; Jv.repr on_zoomend |] |
end |
let () = |
log "add on (move/zoom)end event@\n"; |
Leaflet.Map.on Leaflet.Event.Move_end on_moveend map; |
Leaflet.Map.on Leaflet.Event.Zoom_end on_zoomend map |
module Geolocalize = struct |
let update_location geo = |
@ -105,10 +72,8 @@ module Geolocalize = struct |
| Ok geo -> |
let lat = Brr_io.Geolocation.Pos.latitude geo in |
let lng = Brr_io.Geolocation.Pos.longitude geo in |
let latlng = |
Jv.call Leaflet.leaflet "latLng" [| Jv.of_float lat; Jv.of_float lng |] |
in |
ignore @@ Jv.call Leaflet.map "setView" [| latlng; Jv.of_int 13 |] |
let latlng = Leaflet.Latlng.create lat lng in |
Leaflet.Map.set_view latlng ~zoom:(Some 13) map |
let geolocalize _ = |
log "geolocalize@\n"; |