@ -1,58 +1,57 @@ |
module Base = struct |
type var = int |
type expr = Expr.Lang.t |
(* TODO *) |
let inv_tbl = Hashtbl.create 512 |
let string_of_var = Hashtbl.find inv_tbl |
let var_of_string, reset, max_var = |
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 512 in |
let gen, reset = Utils.gen_tag () in |
(fun x -> |
try Hashtbl.find tbl x |
with Not_found -> |
let v = gen () in |
Hashtbl.add inv_tbl v x; |
Hashtbl.add tbl x v; |
(* Printf.printf "added %s -> %d\n" x v; |
( (fun x -> |
try Hashtbl.find tbl x |
with Not_found -> |
let v = gen () in |
Hashtbl.add inv_tbl v x ; |
Hashtbl.add tbl x v ; |
(* Printf.printf "added %s -> %d\n" x v; |
flush stdout;*) |
v), |
(fun () -> reset ()), |
(fun () -> Hashtbl.length tbl) |
v) |
, (fun () -> reset ()) |
, fun () -> Hashtbl.length tbl ) |
end |
module type S = sig |
type hidden |
type view = |
| True |
| False |
| Node of Base.var * hidden * hidden |
module Hash: Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = hidden |
module Mem: Memo.S with type t = hidden |
type view = True | False | Node of Base.var * hidden * hidden |
val hc: view -> hidden |
val view: hidden -> view |
end |
module Hash : Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = hidden |
module Make (M: S) = struct |
module Mem : Memo.S with type t = hidden |
val hc : view -> hidden |
val view : hidden -> view |
end |
module Make (M : S) = struct |
include M |
let true_bdd = hc True |
let false_bdd = hc False |
let fview f bdd = view bdd |> f |
let get_order = fview (function |
| True | False -> max_int |
| Node (v, _, _) -> v |
) |
let get_order = |
fview (function True | False -> max_int | Node (v, _, _) -> v) |
let node v l h = |
if v >= get_order l || v >= get_order h then invalid_arg "node"; |
if v >= get_order l || v >= get_order h then invalid_arg "node" ; |
if Hash.equal l h then l else hc (Node (v, l, h)) |
let ite _ _ _ = true_bdd (* TODO *) |
@ -61,191 +60,259 @@ module Make (M: S) = struct |
let to_string bdd = |
let b = Buffer.create 512 in |
let rec aux bdd = match view bdd with |
| True -> Buffer.add_string b "true" |
| False -> Buffer.add_string b "false" |
| Node (var, low, high) -> |
Buffer.add_string b (Base.string_of_var var); |
Buffer.add_string b ("(" ^ (string_of_int var) ^ ") ? ("); |
aux high; |
Buffer.add_string b ") : ("; |
aux low; |
Buffer.add_string b ")" |
let rec aux bdd = |
match view bdd with |
| True -> |
Buffer.add_string b "true" |
| False -> |
Buffer.add_string b "false" |
| Node (var, low, high) -> |
Buffer.add_string b (Base.string_of_var var) ; |
Buffer.add_string b ("(" ^ string_of_int var ^ ") ? (") ; |
aux high ; |
Buffer.add_string b ") : (" ; |
aux low ; |
Buffer.add_string b ")" |
in |
aux bdd; |
Buffer.contents b |
let of_bool = function |
| true -> true_bdd |
| false -> false_bdd |
let neg x = Mem.memo (fun neg -> |
fview (function |
| True -> false_bdd |
| False -> true_bdd |
| Node (var, low, high) -> node var (neg low) (neg high))) x |
aux bdd ; Buffer.contents b |
let of_bool = function true -> true_bdd | false -> false_bdd |
let neg x = |
Mem.memo |
(fun neg -> |
fview (function |
| True -> |
false_bdd |
| False -> |
true_bdd |
| Node (var, low, high) -> |
node var (neg low) (neg high))) |
x |
(* let rec comb_comm op n1 n2 = |
let comb_comm = comb_comm op in *) |
let comb_comm op x y = Mem.memo2 (fun comb_comm n1 n2 -> |
match view n1, view n2 with |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 -> |
node v1 (comb_comm l1 l2) (comb_comm h1 h2) |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 -> |
node v1 (comb_comm l1 n2) (comb_comm h1 n2) |
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) -> |
node v2 (comb_comm n1 l2) (comb_comm n1 h2) |
| True, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), True -> |
node v (comb_comm l true_bdd) (comb_comm h true_bdd) |
| False, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), False -> |
node v (comb_comm l false_bdd) (comb_comm h false_bdd) |
| False, False -> of_bool (op false false) |
| False, True | True, False -> of_bool (op true false) |
| True, True -> of_bool (op true true) |
) x y |
let comb op x y = Mem.memo2 (fun comb n1 n2 -> |
match view n1, view n2 with |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 -> |
node v1 (comb l1 l2) (comb h1 h2) |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 -> |
node v1 (comb l1 n2) (comb h1 n2) |
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) -> |
node v2 (comb n1 l2) (comb n1 h2) |
| True, Node (v, l, h) -> |
node v (comb true_bdd l) (comb true_bdd h) |
| Node (v, l, h), True -> |
node v (comb l true_bdd) (comb h true_bdd) |
| False, Node (v, l, h) -> |
node v (comb false_bdd l) (comb false_bdd h) |
| Node (v, l, h), False -> |
node v (comb l false_bdd) (comb h false_bdd) |
| False, False -> of_bool (op false false) |
| False, True -> of_bool (op false true) |
| True, False -> of_bool (op true false) |
| True, True -> of_bool (op true true)) x y |
let comb_comm op x y = |
Mem.memo2 |
(fun comb_comm n1 n2 -> |
match (view n1, view n2) with |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 -> |
node v1 (comb_comm l1 l2) (comb_comm h1 h2) |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 -> |
node v1 (comb_comm l1 n2) (comb_comm h1 n2) |
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) -> |
node v2 (comb_comm n1 l2) (comb_comm n1 h2) |
| True, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), True -> |
node v (comb_comm l true_bdd) (comb_comm h true_bdd) |
| False, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), False -> |
node v (comb_comm l false_bdd) (comb_comm h false_bdd) |
| False, False -> |
of_bool (op false false) |
| False, True | True, False -> |
of_bool (op true false) |
| True, True -> |
of_bool (op true true)) |
x y |
let comb op x y = |
Mem.memo2 |
(fun comb n1 n2 -> |
match (view n1, view n2) with |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 -> |
node v1 (comb l1 l2) (comb h1 h2) |
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 -> |
node v1 (comb l1 n2) (comb h1 n2) |
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) -> |
node v2 (comb n1 l2) (comb n1 h2) |
| True, Node (v, l, h) -> |
node v (comb true_bdd l) (comb true_bdd h) |
| Node (v, l, h), True -> |
node v (comb l true_bdd) (comb h true_bdd) |
| False, Node (v, l, h) -> |
node v (comb false_bdd l) (comb false_bdd h) |
| Node (v, l, h), False -> |
node v (comb l false_bdd) (comb h false_bdd) |
| False, False -> |
of_bool (op false false) |
| False, True -> |
of_bool (op false true) |
| True, False -> |
of_bool (op true false) |
| True, True -> |
of_bool (op true true)) |
x y |
let conj = comb_comm (fun x y -> x && y) |
let disj = comb_comm (fun x y -> x || y) |
let imp = comb (fun x y -> (not x) || y) |
let eq = comb_comm (fun x y -> x = y) |
let compute tbl = |
let compute_aux = Mem.memo (fun compute_aux -> |
fview (function |
| False -> false_bdd |
| True -> true_bdd |
| Node (v, l, h) -> ( match Hashtbl.find tbl v with |
| exception Not_found -> |
failwith ("truth value of " ^ (Base.string_of_var v) ^ " is missing") |
| true -> compute_aux h |
| false -> compute_aux l))) |
in compute_aux |
let compute_aux = |
Mem.memo (fun compute_aux -> |
fview (function |
| False -> |
false_bdd |
| True -> |
true_bdd |
| Node (v, l, h) -> ( |
match Hashtbl.find tbl v with |
| exception Not_found -> |
failwith |
("truth value of " ^ Base.string_of_var v ^ " is missing") |
| true -> |
compute_aux h |
| false -> |
compute_aux l ))) |
in |
compute_aux |
let to_expr = |
Mem.memo (fun to_expr -> |
let module E = Expr.Lang in |
fview (function |
| False -> E.False |
| True -> E.True |
| Node (v, l, h) -> |
E.Or ( |
E.And (E.Var (Base.string_of_var v), (to_expr l)), |
E.And (E.Neg (E.Var (Base.string_of_var v)), (to_expr h))))) |
let module E = Expr.Lang in |
fview (function |
| False -> |
E.False |
| True -> |
E.True |
| Node (v, l, h) -> |
E.Or |
( E.And (E.Var (Base.string_of_var v), to_expr l) |
, E.And (E.Neg (E.Var (Base.string_of_var v)), to_expr h) ))) |
let rec of_expr = |
let module E = Expr.Lang in function |
| E.True -> true_bdd |
| E.False -> false_bdd |
| E.Var v -> (try var_bdd (int_of_string v) with _ -> var_bdd (Base.var_of_string (E.var_to_string v))) |
| E.Neg e -> neg (of_expr e) |
| E.And (e1, e2) -> conj (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.Or (e1, e2) -> disj (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.Imp (e1, e2) -> imp (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.Eq (e1, e2) -> eq (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.BigAnd e -> Seq.fold_left (fun acc el -> conj (of_expr el) acc) true_bdd e |
| E.BigOr e -> Seq.fold_left (fun acc el -> disj (of_expr el) acc) false_bdd e |
let module E = Expr.Lang in |
function |
| E.True -> |
true_bdd |
| E.False -> |
false_bdd |
| E.Var v -> ( |
try var_bdd (int_of_string v) |
with _ -> var_bdd (Base.var_of_string (E.var_to_string v)) ) |
| E.Neg e -> |
neg (of_expr e) |
| E.And (e1, e2) -> |
conj (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.Or (e1, e2) -> |
disj (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.Imp (e1, e2) -> |
imp (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.Eq (e1, e2) -> |
eq (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) |
| E.BigAnd e -> |
Seq.fold_left (fun acc el -> conj (of_expr el) acc) true_bdd e |
| E.BigOr e -> |
Seq.fold_left (fun acc el -> disj (of_expr el) acc) false_bdd e |
let of_string s = of_expr (Expr.Comp.from_string s) |
let size = |
(* TODO *) |
let module H = Hashtbl.Make(struct |
let module H = Hashtbl.Make (struct |
type t = M.Hash.t |
let equal = (==) |
let equal = ( == ) |
let hash = Hashtbl.hash (* TODO *) |
end) in |
let tbl = H.create 512 in |
let rec size bdd = match view bdd with |
| False | True -> 0 |
| _ when H.mem tbl bdd -> 0 |
| Node (_, l, h) -> H.add tbl bdd (); 1 + size l + size h |
in size |
let rec size bdd = |
match view bdd with |
| False | True -> |
0 |
| _ when H.mem tbl bdd -> |
0 |
| Node (_, l, h) -> |
H.add tbl bdd () ; |
1 + size l + size h |
in |
size |
let is_sat = fview (function |
| False -> false |
| _ -> true) |
let is_sat = fview (function False -> false | _ -> true) |
let count_sat maxn = |
let get_var = fview (function |
| False | True -> maxn |
| Node (v, _, _) -> v |
) in |
let count = Mem.memo (fun count -> fview (function |
| False -> 0 |
| True -> 1 |
| Node (v, l, h) -> |
assert (0 <= v && v < maxn || (Printf.printf "v = %d\n" v; false) ); |
(count l) lsl (get_var l - v - 1) + (count h) lsl (get_var h - v - 1) |
)) in |
fun bdd -> |
(count bdd) lsl (get_var bdd) |
let get_var = |
fview (function False | True -> maxn | Node (v, _, _) -> v) |
in |
let count = |
Mem.memo (fun count -> |
fview (function |
| False -> |
0 |
| True -> |
1 |
| Node (v, l, h) -> |
assert ( |
(0 <= v && v < maxn) || (Printf.printf "v = %d\n" v ; false) |
) ; |
(count l lsl (get_var l - v - 1)) |
+ (count h lsl (get_var h - v - 1)))) |
in |
fun bdd -> count bdd lsl get_var bdd |
let any_sat = |
let rec aux assign = fview (function |
| False -> None |
| True -> Some assign |
| Node (v, l, h) -> (match aux assign l with |
| None -> aux ((v, true) :: assign) h |
| Some assign -> Some ((v, false) :: assign))) |
in aux [] |
let rec aux assign = |
fview (function |
| False -> |
None |
| True -> |
Some assign |
| Node (v, l, h) -> ( |
match aux assign l with |
| None -> |
aux ((v, true) :: assign) h |
| Some assign -> |
Some ((v, false) :: assign) )) |
in |
aux [] |
let all_sat bdd = |
let add_assign v b = function |
| None -> None |
| Some assign -> Some ((v, b)::assign) |
| None -> |
None |
| Some assign -> |
Some ((v, b) :: assign) |
in |
let rec aux assign = fview (function |
| False -> [ None ] |
| True -> [ Some assign ] |
| Node (v, l, h) -> |
let add_assign = add_assign v in |
let aux = aux assign in |
(List.map (add_assign false) (aux l)) @ List.map (add_assign true) (aux h)) |
let rec aux assign = |
fview (function |
| False -> |
[None] |
| True -> |
[Some assign] |
| Node (v, l, h) -> |
let add_assign = add_assign v in |
let aux = aux assign in |
List.map (add_assign false) (aux l) |
@ List.map (add_assign true) (aux h)) |
in |
List.fold_left |
(fun acc -> function None -> acc | Some assign -> assign :: acc) |
[] (aux [] bdd) |
List.fold_left (fun acc -> |
function None -> acc | Some assign -> assign::acc |
) [] (aux [] bdd) |
(* TODO: in each assign, add all the unused vars. ? *) |
let random_sat maxn = |
let _ = count_sat maxn in |
let rec aux assign = fview (function |
| False -> None |
| True -> Some assign |
| Node (v, l, h) -> begin |
if is_sat l && is_sat h then begin |
if true (* TODO *) then aux ((v, false) :: assign) h |
else aux ((v, true) :: assign) l |
end else match aux assign l with |
| None -> aux ((v, true) :: assign) h |
| Some assign -> Some ((v, false) :: assign) |
end) |
in aux [] |
(* TODO: in each assign, add all the unused vars. ? *) |
let random_sat _ = |
(* let _ = count_sat maxn in *) |
let rec aux assign = |
fview (function |
| False -> |
None |
| True -> |
Some assign |
| Node (v, l, h) -> ( |
if is_sat l && is_sat h then |
if true (* TODO *) then aux ((v, false) :: assign) h |
else aux ((v, true) :: assign) l |
else |
match aux assign l with |
| None -> |
aux ((v, true) :: assign) h |
| Some assign -> |
Some ((v, false) :: assign) )) |
in |
aux [] |
end |