remove a lot of stuff, clean code

This commit is contained in:
zapashcanon 2019-11-26 02:03:43 +01:00
parent bdbc5b9a28
commit 3f144c5c3b
Signed by: zapashcanon
GPG Key ID: 8981C3C62D1D28F1
46 changed files with 275 additions and 1504 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The ISC License (ISC)
Copyright © 2019, Léo Andrès and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
Copyright © 2019, Léo Andrès
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

View File

@ -1,64 +1,6 @@
# Binary Decision Diagram library in OCaml
# bdd
This library provides many implementations of BDD with the same interface. We provide the same set of tests and benchmarks for all of them.
There's two base implementation:
- `src/`: naïve implementation
- `src/`: hash-consing implementation
They both are functors to which you can either give the module `Memo.Real` or `Memo.Fake` depending on if you want the implementation to use memoïzation or not.
They all have the same functorial interface, that you can find in `src/`.
We have our own implementation of boolean expression:
- `src/lexer.mll`: the lexer
- `src/parser.mly`: the parser
- `src/`: the abstract syntax
- `src/`: high-level functions to get an AST from a file or a string containing an expression written in the concrete syntax
Here's what an expression in the concrete-syntax looks like: `((false || true) && z => true) <=> !(x && y || z)`.
## Build
You need to have `dune` on your system. Then:
## Test
You need to have the `alcotest` package. Then:
## Code coverage
You need to have the `bisect_ppx` package. Then:
It should open the coverage report in your browser.
## Bench
An expression written in the concrete syntax - don't forget to put double quotes around it:
scripts/ -e <expression>
A file containing an expression:
scripts/ -f <file>
bdd is an OCaml library for Binary Decision Diagram
## Change Log

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@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
module Make2 (M : Bdd.Common.S) = struct
module M = Bdd.Common.Make (M)
let rec build l r i =
let v = Bdd.Common.Base.var_of_string (string_of_int i) in
if i = 1 then M.node v l r
let b = if i mod 2 = 0 then M.node v l r else M.node v r l in
build r b (i - 1)
let bench_one s =
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let bdd = build M.false_bdd M.true_bdd 40 in
let bdd' = M.conj bdd bdd in
let stop = Unix.gettimeofday () in
Printf.printf "bench %s %.2f\n" s (stop -. start) ;
Printf.printf "size(bdd) = %d, size(bdd') = %d\n" (M.size bdd) (M.size bdd') ;
flush stdout
module Make (M : Bdd.Common.S) = struct
module M = Bdd.Common.Make (M)
let bench_one tbl expr =
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let bdd = M.of_expr expr in
ignore (M.compute tbl bdd) ;
let stop = Unix.gettimeofday () in
stop -. start
let bench_n n tbl expr =
let sum = ref 0. in
for _ = 0 to n do
sum := !sum +. bench_one tbl expr
done ;
let bench_n_print n s tbl expr =
Printf.printf "bench %s %.2f\n" s (bench_n n tbl expr) ;
flush stdout
let _ =
let expr = Expr.Cli.get_expr () in
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 512 in
let v = Bdd.Common.Base.var_of_string in
Hashtbl.add tbl (v "x") false ;
Hashtbl.add tbl (v "y") true ;
let module I1 = Bdd.Naive.Make (Memo.Fake) in
let module I2 = Bdd.Naive.Make (Memo.Make) in
let module I3 = Bdd.Hashconsed.Make (Memo.Fake) in
let module I4 = Bdd.Hashconsed.Make (Memo.Make) in
let n = 1 in
let module B1 = Make (I1) in
let module B2 = Make (I2) in
let module B3 = Make (I3) in
let module B4 = Make (I4) in
B1.bench_n_print n "naïve: " tbl expr ;
B2.bench_n_print n "naïve + memo: " tbl expr ;
B3.bench_n_print n "hashcons: " tbl expr ;
B4.bench_n_print n "hashcons + memo:" tbl expr ;
let module B1 = Make2 (I1) in
let module B2 = Make2 (I2) in
let module B3 = Make2 (I3) in
let module B4 = Make2 (I4) in
(*B1.bench_one "naïve: ";*)
B2.bench_one "naïve + memo: " ;
(* B3.bench_one "hashcons: ";*)
B4.bench_one "hashcons + memo:" ;
let module T = Bdd.Common.Make (I4) in
let sat = T.all_sat (T.of_expr expr) in
(fun l ->
print_endline "One sat is:" ;
(fun (v, b) ->
Printf.printf "%s = %B\n" (Bdd.Common.Base.string_of_var v) b)
sat ;

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
(name bench)
(libraries unix bdd expr)
(modules bench))

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
(name main)
(libraries expr bdd landmarks)
(preprocess (pps landmarks.ppx --auto))
(modules main parser lexer numlink))
(modules lexer))
(modules parser)
(flags ("--explain" "--dump")))

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
open Parser
exception Error of string
let current_line = ref 1
let current_offset = ref 1
let total_offset = ref 1
let mem_new_line = ref []
let get_mem_new_line () = List.rev (!mem_new_line)
let new_line_met () =
total_offset := !total_offset + 1;
mem_new_line := (!total_offset)::(!mem_new_line);
current_line := !current_line + 1;
current_offset := 0
let incr_offset x =
total_offset := !total_offset + x;
current_offset := !current_offset + x
let incr_offset_string x =
incr_offset (String.length x)
let parser_fail msg =
raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "Line %d, at offset %d: %s." (!current_line) (!current_offset) msg))
let newline = ['\n' '\r']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
rule token = parse
| 'x' { incr_offset 1; BLANK }
| digit as i { let i = String.make 1 i in incr_offset_string i; NUM (int_of_string i) }
| newline { new_line_met (); EOL }
| eof { EOF }
| _ { parser_fail "unexpected character" }

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
exception Stop
let from_lexing buf =
match Parser.file_final Lexer.token buf with
| exception Lexer.Error msg ->
failwith ("lexer: " ^ msg)
| exception _ ->
let err_pos = Lexing.lexeme_start buf in
let err_line, line_offset = (ref 1, ref 0) in
( try
(fun x ->
if x > err_pos then raise Stop ;
incr err_line ;
line_offset := x)
(Lexer.get_mem_new_line ())
with Stop -> () ) ;
(Printf.sprintf "parser: On line %d, at offset %d, syntax error."
!err_line (err_pos - !line_offset))
| res ->
let from_file f =
let chan = open_in f in
let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
let res = from_lexing buf in
close_in chan ; res
let from_string s =
let buf = Lexing.from_string s in
from_lexing buf
let get_cli () =
let f = ref None in
let e = ref None in
[ ("-f", Arg.String (fun s -> f := Some s), "file")
; ("-e", Arg.String (fun s -> e := Some s), "expression") ]
(fun _ -> ())
"get_expr" ;
match (!e, !f) with
| Some _, Some _ ->
raise (Arg.Bad "file or expression, not both")
| Some e, _ ->
from_string e
| _, Some f ->
from_file f
| None, None ->
raise (Arg.Bad "file or expression needed")
let print_parsed_list =
Format.printf "parsed grid is:@." ;
List.iter (fun el ->
(function None -> Format.printf "x" | Some i -> Format.printf "%d" i)
el ;
Format.printf "@.")
let assert_correct_size = function
| [] ->
| x :: s ->
let len = List.length x in
List.iter (fun el -> assert (List.length el = len)) s
let assert_correct_num m =
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 256 in
(fun el ->
| None ->
| Some el -> (
match Hashtbl.find tbl el with
| exception Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add tbl el 1
| x ->
Hashtbl.replace tbl el (x + 1) ))
m ;
Hashtbl.iter (fun _ v -> assert (v = 2)) tbl
let _ =
let map = get_cli () in
print_parsed_list map ;
assert_correct_size map ;
assert_correct_num map ;
let height = List.length map in
let width =
match map with [] -> failwith "invalid map size" | x :: _ -> List.length x
(* Format.printf "width = %d ; height = %d@." width height; *)
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 256 in
(fun j el ->
(fun i -> function None -> () | Some el -> (
match Hashtbl.find tbl el with
| exception Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add tbl el [(i, j)]
| x ->
Hashtbl.replace tbl el ([(i, j)] @ x) ))
map ;
let graph = Numlink.empty_graph () in
let pairs = Numlink.empty_set () in
for i = 0 to width - 1 do
for j = 0 to height - 1 do
Numlink.add_vertex graph (i, j)
done ;
let is_in_graph (x, y) = x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height in
let add_if_in_graph p p' =
if is_in_graph p' then Numlink.add_edge graph p p'
for i = 0 to width - 1 do
for j = 0 to height - 1 do
add_if_in_graph (i, j) (i + 1, j) ;
add_if_in_graph (i, j) (i, j + 1)
done ;
(fun _ -> function [x; y] -> Numlink.set_add pairs (x, y) | _ ->
failwith "not a pair...")
tbl ;
Format.printf "building the expression...@." ;
let to_solve = Numlink.build_expr graph pairs in
let module M = Bdd.Common.Make (Bdd.Hashconsed.Make (Memo.Make)) in
Format.printf "building bdd...@." ;
let bdd = M.of_expr to_solve in
Format.printf "done !@." ;
let max_var = Bdd.Common.Base.max_var () in
Format.printf "size = %d ; max_var = %d@." (M.size bdd) max_var ;
Format.printf "count_sat = %d@." (M.count_sat max_var bdd) ;
let res = M.any_sat bdd in
match res with
| None ->
Format.printf "pas de solution@."
| Some l ->
(fun (v, b) ->
if b then Format.printf "%s@." (Bdd.Common.Base.string_of_var v))
l ;

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
let empty_set () = Hashtbl.create 512
let set_add s el = Hashtbl.add s el ()
let set_iter f = Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> f k)
let set_mem = Hashtbl.mem
let empty_graph () = (empty_set (), empty_set ())
let add_vertex g v = set_add (fst g) v
let add_edge g v v' = set_add (snd g) (v, v')
let set_to_list s = List.of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq_keys s)
let set_length = Hashtbl.length
module E = Expr.Lang
let range_list n =
let res = ref [] in
for i = n - 1 downto 0 do
res := i :: !res
done ;
let filter_vertex s v = Seq.filter (fun (el, _, _) -> el = v) s
let var_to_string (v, path, pos) =
let v =
match v with
| None ->
| Some (vx, vy) ->
Printf.sprintf "(%d,%d)" vx vy
Printf.sprintf "%s: path %d, pos %d" v path pos
let for_all e f = E.BigAnd ( f e)
let exists e f = E.BigOr ( f e)
let exists_unique e f =
(fun x ->
E.BigAnd ( (fun x' -> if x = x' then f x else E.Neg (f x')) e))
let without_phantom = Seq.filter (function None -> false | _ -> true)
let mk vertex path pos = E.Var (var_to_string (vertex, path, pos))
let vertex_appears_once vertices paths positions =
for_all (vertices |> without_phantom) (fun vertex ->
exists_unique paths (fun path ->
exists_unique positions (fun pos -> mk vertex path pos)))
let path_pos_occupied_once vertices paths positions =
for_all paths (fun path ->
for_all positions (fun pos ->
exists_unique vertices (fun vertex -> mk vertex path pos)))
let are_adjacent edges v v' =
match (v, v') with
| None, _ | _, None ->
| Some v, Some v' ->
set_mem edges (v, v') || set_mem edges (v', v)
let path_finished paths positions n =
for_all paths (fun path ->
for_all positions (fun pos ->
if pos < n - 1 then E.Imp (mk None path pos, mk None path (pos + 1))
else E.True))
let conseq_in_path_imply_adjacent paths positions vertices edges n =
for_all paths (fun path ->
for_all positions (fun pos ->
if pos < n - 1 then
for_all (vertices |> without_phantom) (fun vertex ->
for_all (vertices |> without_phantom) (fun vertex' ->
if are_adjacent edges vertex vertex' then E.True
(E.And (mk vertex path pos, mk vertex' path (pos + 1)))))
else E.True))
let check_src_dst to_connect positions n paths =
let to_connect = set_to_list to_connect in
for_all paths (fun i ->
let src, dst = List.nth to_connect i in
( mk (Some src) i 0
, exists positions (fun pos ->
let v = mk (Some dst) i pos in
if pos < n - 1 then E.And (v, mk None i (pos + 1)) else v) ))
let build_expr (vertices, edges) to_connect =
(* adding the phantom vertex as None and making others Some *)
let vertices' = empty_set () in
set_iter (fun x -> set_add vertices' (Some x)) vertices ;
set_add vertices' None ;
let vertices = vertices' in
let k = set_length to_connect in
let n = set_length vertices - 1 in
(* we don't count the phantom vertex ! *)
let vertices = set_to_list vertices in
let paths = range_list k in
let positions = range_list n in
let vertices = List.to_seq vertices in
let paths = List.to_seq paths in
let positions = List.to_seq positions in
let c1 = vertex_appears_once vertices paths positions in
(*Expr.Comp.print (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) c1;*)
let c2 = path_pos_occupied_once vertices paths positions in
(*Expr.Comp.print (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) c2;*)
let c3 = path_finished paths positions n in
(*Expr.Comp.print (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) c3;*)
let c4 = conseq_in_path_imply_adjacent paths positions vertices edges n in
(*Expr.Comp.print (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) c4;*)
let c5 = check_src_dst to_connect positions n paths in
(*Expr.Comp.print (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) c5;*)
Expr.Comp.list_to_conj [c1; c2; c3; c4; c5]

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
%token EOF
%token EOL
%token BLANK
%token <int> NUM
%start < (int option) list list> file_final
| f = file EOF { f }
| l = list(line) { l }
| l = list(block) EOL { l }
| BLANK { None }
| i = NUM { Some i }

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
(name queen)
(libraries expr bdd landmarks)
(preprocess (pps landmarks.ppx --auto)))

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) Jean-Christophe Filliatre *)
(* *)
(* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *)
(* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *)
(* License version 2, with the special exception on linking *)
(* described in file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* *)
open Format
include Bdd.Common.Make (Bdd.Hashconsed.Make (Memo.Make))
N*N variables v i j = une reine dans la case (i,j)
forall i.
exists j. v i j // une reine sur chaque ligne
forall i j. v i j -> // si une reine en i j alors
forall k. k = i \/ not (v i k) // pas de reine sur la même ligne
forall k. k = j \/ not (v k j) // pas de reine sur la même colonne
forall k. ... // pas de reine sur la diagonale montante
forall k. ... // pas de reine sur la diagonale descendante
let _ =
if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2 then
failwith ("Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " <size of the grid>")
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) with _ -> eprintf "queen N" ; exit 1
let nb_vars = n * n
(* 0..n-1 x 0..n-1 -> 1..n x n *)
let vars = Array.init n (fun i -> Array.init n (fun j -> var_bdd ((n * i) + j)))
let var i j = vars.(i).(j)
let mk_not = neg
let one = true_bdd
let zero = false_bdd
let mk_and = conj
let mk_or = disj
let mk_imp = imp
let fold_and i j f =
let rec mk k = if k > j then one else mk_and (f k) (mk (k + 1)) in
mk i
let fold_or i j f =
let rec mk k = if k > j then zero else mk_or (f k) (mk (k + 1)) in
mk i
let fold_for i j f =
let rec fold k acc = if k > j then acc else fold (k + 1) (f k acc) in
fold i
let constraints i j =
let b1 =
fold_and 0 (n - 1) (fun l -> if l = j then one else mk_not (var i l))
let b2 =
fold_and 0 (n - 1) (fun k -> if k = i then one else mk_not (var k j))
let b3 =
fold_and 0 (n - 1) (fun k ->
let ll = j + k - i in
if ll >= 0 && ll < n && k <> i then mk_not (var k ll) else one)
let b4 =
fold_and 0 (n - 1) (fun k ->
let ll = j + i - k in
if ll >= 0 && ll < n && k <> i then mk_not (var k ll) else one)
mk_and b1 (mk_and b2 (mk_and b3 b4))
let bdd = fold_and 0 (n - 1) (fun i -> fold_or 0 (n - 1) (fun j -> var i j))
let bdd =
fold_for 0 (n - 1)
(fun i acc ->
fold_for 0 (n - 1)
(fun j acc -> mk_and acc (mk_imp (var i j) (constraints i j)))
let () = printf "There are %d solutions@." (count_sat nb_vars bdd)

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
dune exec src/bench.exe -- "$@"

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
dune build --profile release @all )

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
dune clean )

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
rm -f "$(find . -name 'bisect*.out')" || true
rm -rf $coverage
BISECT_ENABLE=YES dune runtest --no-buffer --force
bisect-ppx-report -html $coverage/ "$(find . -name 'bisect*.out')"
xdg-open $coverage/index.html )

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
dune build @install
dune install bdd )

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
export OCAML_LANDMARKS="output=landmarks.json,format=json,allocation"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
dune exec src/numlink/numlink.exe --profile release -- "$@"

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
eval "$(opam env)"
dune runtest --no-buffer )

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
set -eu
( cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"
( find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat) | grep -r TODO )

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
open Hc
type var = int
type hidden = view hash_consed
and view = True | False | Node of var * hidden * hidden
module HashedT = struct
type t = view
let equal x y =
match (x, y) with
| True, True | False, False ->
| Node (v1, l1, r1), Node (v2, l2, r2) ->
v1 = v2 && l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
| _ ->
let hash = function
| True ->
| False ->
| Node (v, l, r) ->
(19 * ((19 * v) + l.tag)) + r.tag + 2
module Hbdd = Hc.Make (HashedT)
module Hash = struct
type t = hidden
let equal = ( == )
let hash b = b.tag
module Hash2 = struct
type t = hidden * hidden
let equal (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
let hash (x, y) = x.tag + (19 * y.tag)
let hc = Hbdd.hashcons
let view x = x.node
module Mem = Memo.MakeWeak (Hash)
module Mem2 = Memo.MakeWeak (Hash)
let true_bdd = hc True
let false_bdd = hc False
let get_order bdd =
match view bdd with True | False -> max_int | Node (v, _, _) -> v
let node v l h =
if v >= get_order l || v >= get_order h then invalid_arg "node" ;
if Hash.equal l h then l else hc (Node (v, l, h))
let var_bdd v = node v false_bdd true_bdd
let rec fprintf fmt bdd =
match view bdd with
| True ->
Format.fprintf fmt "true"
| False ->
Format.fprintf fmt "false"
| Node (v, l, h) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%d ? (%a) : (%a)" v fprintf l fprintf h
let of_bool = function true -> true_bdd | false -> false_bdd
let neg x =
(fun neg x ->
match view x with
| True ->
| False ->
| Node (var, low, high) ->
node var (neg low) (neg high))
let comb_comm op x y =
(fun comb_comm n1 n2 ->
match (view n1, view n2) with
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 ->
node v1 (comb_comm l1 l2) (comb_comm h1 h2)
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 ->
node v1 (comb_comm l1 n2) (comb_comm h1 n2)
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) ->
node v2 (comb_comm n1 l2) (comb_comm n1 h2)
| True, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), True ->
node v (comb_comm l true_bdd) (comb_comm h true_bdd)
| False, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), False ->
node v (comb_comm l false_bdd) (comb_comm h false_bdd)
| False, False ->
of_bool (op false false)
| False, True | True, False ->
of_bool (op true false)
| True, True ->
of_bool (op true true))
x y
let comb op x y =
(fun comb n1 n2 ->
match (view n1, view n2) with
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 ->
node v1 (comb l1 l2) (comb h1 h2)
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 ->
node v1 (comb l1 n2) (comb h1 n2)
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) ->
node v2 (comb n1 l2) (comb n1 h2)
| True, Node (v, l, h) ->
node v (comb true_bdd l) (comb true_bdd h)
| Node (v, l, h), True ->
node v (comb l true_bdd) (comb h true_bdd)
| False, Node (v, l, h) ->
node v (comb false_bdd l) (comb false_bdd h)
| Node (v, l, h), False ->
node v (comb l false_bdd) (comb h false_bdd)
| False, False ->
of_bool (op false false)
| False, True ->
of_bool (op false true)
| True, False ->
of_bool (op true false)
| True, True ->
of_bool (op true true))
x y
let conj = comb_comm (fun x y -> x && y)
let disj = comb_comm (fun x y -> x || y)
let imp = comb (fun x y -> (not x) || y)
let eq = comb_comm (fun x y -> x = y)
let compute tbl =
let rec compute_aux bdd =
match view bdd with
| False ->
| True ->
| Node (v, l, h) -> (
match Hashtbl.find tbl v with
| exception Not_found ->
node v (compute_aux h) (compute_aux l)
| true ->
compute_aux h
| false ->
compute_aux l )
let size =
(* TODO *)
let module H = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = Hash.t
let equal = ( == )
let hash = Hashtbl.hash (* TODO *)
end) in
let tbl = H.create 512 in
let rec size bdd =
match view bdd with
| False | True ->
| _ when H.mem tbl bdd ->
| Node (_, l, h) ->
H.add tbl bdd () ;
1 + size l + size h
let is_sat bdd = match view bdd with False -> false | _ -> true
let count_sat maxn =
let get_var bdd =
match view bdd with False | True -> maxn | Node (v, _, _) -> v
let count =
Mem.memo (fun count bdd ->
match view bdd with
| False ->
| True ->
| Node (v, l, h) ->
assert ((0 <= v && v < maxn) || (Printf.printf "v = %d\n" v ; false)) ;
(count l lsl (get_var l - v - 1)) + (count h lsl (get_var h - v - 1)))
fun bdd -> count bdd lsl get_var bdd
let any_sat =
let rec aux assign bdd =
match view bdd with
| False ->
| True ->
Some assign
| Node (v, l, h) -> (
match aux assign l with
| None ->
aux ((v, true) :: assign) h
| Some assign ->
Some ((v, false) :: assign) )
aux []
let all_sat bdd =
let add_assign v b = function
| None ->
| Some assign ->
Some ((v, b) :: assign)
let rec aux assign bdd =
match view bdd with
| False ->
| True ->
[Some assign]
| Node (v, l, h) ->
let add_assign = add_assign v in
let aux = aux assign in (add_assign false) (aux l) @ (add_assign true) (aux h)
(fun acc -> function None -> acc | Some assign -> assign :: acc)
[] (aux [] bdd)
(* TODO: in each assign, add all the unused vars. ? *)
let random_sat _ =
(* let _ = count_sat maxn in *)
let rec aux assign bdd =
match view bdd with
| False ->
| True ->
Some assign
| Node (v, l, h) -> (
if is_sat l && is_sat h then
if true (* TODO *) then aux ((v, false) :: assign) h
else aux ((v, true) :: assign) l
match aux assign l with
| None ->
aux ((v, true) :: assign) h
| Some assign ->
Some ((v, false) :: assign) )
aux []

View File

@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
module Base = struct
type var = int
type expr = Expr.Lang.t
(* TODO *)
let inv_tbl = Hashtbl.create 512
let string_of_var = Hashtbl.find inv_tbl
let var_of_string, reset, max_var =
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 512 in
let gen, reset = Utils.gen_tag () in
( (fun x ->
try Hashtbl.find tbl x
with Not_found ->
let v = gen () in
Hashtbl.add inv_tbl v x ;
Hashtbl.add tbl x v ;
(* Printf.printf "added %s -> %d\n" x v;
flush stdout;*)
, (fun () -> reset ())
, fun () -> Hashtbl.length tbl )
module type S = sig
type hidden
type view = True | False | Node of Base.var * hidden * hidden
module Hash : Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = hidden
module Mem : Memo.S with type t = hidden
val hc : view -> hidden
val view : hidden -> view
module Make (M : S) = struct
include M
let true_bdd = hc True
let false_bdd = hc False
let fview f bdd = view bdd |> f
let get_order =
fview (function True | False -> max_int | Node (v, _, _) -> v)
let node v l h =
if v >= get_order l || v >= get_order h then invalid_arg "node" ;
if Hash.equal l h then l else hc (Node (v, l, h))
let ite _ _ _ = true_bdd (* TODO *)
let var_bdd v = node v false_bdd true_bdd
let to_string bdd =
let b = Buffer.create 512 in
let rec aux bdd =
match view bdd with
| True ->
Buffer.add_string b "true"
| False ->
Buffer.add_string b "false"
| Node (var, low, high) ->
Buffer.add_string b (Base.string_of_var var) ;
Buffer.add_string b ("(" ^ string_of_int var ^ ") ? (") ;
aux high ;
Buffer.add_string b ") : (" ;
aux low ;
Buffer.add_string b ")"
aux bdd ; Buffer.contents b
let of_bool = function true -> true_bdd | false -> false_bdd
let neg x =
(fun neg ->
fview (function
| True ->
| False ->
| Node (var, low, high) ->
node var (neg low) (neg high)))
(* let rec comb_comm op n1 n2 =
let comb_comm = comb_comm op in *)
let comb_comm op x y =
(fun comb_comm n1 n2 ->
match (view n1, view n2) with
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 ->
node v1 (comb_comm l1 l2) (comb_comm h1 h2)
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 ->
node v1 (comb_comm l1 n2) (comb_comm h1 n2)
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) ->
node v2 (comb_comm n1 l2) (comb_comm n1 h2)
| True, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), True ->
node v (comb_comm l true_bdd) (comb_comm h true_bdd)
| False, Node (v, l, h) | Node (v, l, h), False ->
node v (comb_comm l false_bdd) (comb_comm h false_bdd)
| False, False ->
of_bool (op false false)
| False, True | True, False ->
of_bool (op true false)
| True, True ->
of_bool (op true true))
x y
let comb op x y =
(fun comb n1 n2 ->
match (view n1, view n2) with
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, l2, h2) when v1 = v2 ->
node v1 (comb l1 l2) (comb h1 h2)
| Node (v1, l1, h1), Node (v2, _, _) when v1 < v2 ->
node v1 (comb l1 n2) (comb h1 n2)
| Node (_, _, _), Node (v2, l2, h2) ->
node v2 (comb n1 l2) (comb n1 h2)
| True, Node (v, l, h) ->
node v (comb true_bdd l) (comb true_bdd h)
| Node (v, l, h), True ->
node v (comb l true_bdd) (comb h true_bdd)
| False, Node (v, l, h) ->
node v (comb false_bdd l) (comb false_bdd h)
| Node (v, l, h), False ->
node v (comb l false_bdd) (comb h false_bdd)
| False, False ->
of_bool (op false false)
| False, True ->
of_bool (op false true)
| True, False ->
of_bool (op true false)
| True, True ->
of_bool (op true true))
x y
let conj = comb_comm (fun x y -> x && y)
let disj = comb_comm (fun x y -> x || y)
let imp = comb (fun x y -> (not x) || y)
let eq = comb_comm (fun x y -> x = y)
let compute tbl =
let compute_aux =
Mem.memo (fun compute_aux ->
fview (function
| False ->
| True ->
| Node (v, l, h) -> (
match Hashtbl.find tbl v with
| exception Not_found ->
("truth value of " ^ Base.string_of_var v ^ " is missing")
| true ->
compute_aux h
| false ->
compute_aux l )))
let to_expr =
Mem.memo (fun to_expr ->
let module E = Expr.Lang in
fview (function
| False ->
| True ->
| Node (v, l, h) ->
( E.And (E.Var (Base.string_of_var v), to_expr l)
, E.And (E.Neg (E.Var (Base.string_of_var v)), to_expr h) )))
let rec of_expr =
let module E = Expr.Lang in
| E.True ->
| E.False ->
| E.Var v -> (
try var_bdd (int_of_string v)
with _ -> var_bdd (Base.var_of_string (E.var_to_string v)) )
| E.Neg e ->
neg (of_expr e)
| E.And (e1, e2) ->
conj (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2)
| E.Or (e1, e2) ->
disj (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2)
| E.Imp (e1, e2) ->
imp (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2)
| E.Eq (e1, e2) ->
eq (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2)
| E.BigAnd e ->
Seq.fold_left (fun acc el -> conj (of_expr el) acc) true_bdd e
| E.BigOr e ->
Seq.fold_left (fun acc el -> disj (of_expr el) acc) false_bdd e
let of_string s = of_expr (Expr.Comp.from_string s)
let size =
(* TODO *)
let module H = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = M.Hash.t
let equal = ( == )
let hash = Hashtbl.hash (* TODO *)
end) in
let tbl = H.create 512 in
let rec size bdd =
match view bdd with
| False | True ->
| _ when H.mem tbl bdd ->
| Node (_, l, h) ->
H.add tbl bdd () ;
1 + size l + size h
let is_sat = fview (function False -> false | _ -> true)
let count_sat maxn =
let get_var =
fview (function False | True -> maxn | Node (v, _, _) -> v)
let count =
Mem.memo (fun count ->
fview (function
| False ->
| True ->
| Node (v, l, h) ->
assert (
(0 <= v && v < maxn) || (Printf.printf "v = %d\n" v ; false)
) ;
(count l lsl (get_var l - v - 1))
+ (count h lsl (get_var h - v - 1))))
fun bdd -> count bdd lsl get_var bdd
let any_sat =
let rec aux assign =
fview (function
| False ->
| True ->
Some assign
| Node (v, l, h) -> (
match aux assign l with
| None ->
aux ((v, true) :: assign) h
| Some assign ->
Some ((v, false) :: assign) ))
aux []
let all_sat bdd =
let add_assign v b = function
| None ->
| Some assign ->
Some ((v, b) :: assign)
let rec aux assign =
fview (function
| False ->
| True ->
[Some assign]
| Node (v, l, h) ->
let add_assign = add_assign v in
let aux = aux assign in (add_assign false) (aux l)
@ (add_assign true) (aux h))
(fun acc -> function None -> acc | Some assign -> assign :: acc)
[] (aux [] bdd)
(* TODO: in each assign, add all the unused vars. ? *)
let random_sat _ =
(* let _ = count_sat maxn in *)
let rec aux assign =
fview (function
| False ->
| True ->
Some assign
| Node (v, l, h) -> (
if is_sat l && is_sat h then
if true (* TODO *) then aux ((v, false) :: assign) h
else aux ((v, true) :: assign) l
match aux assign l with
| None ->
aux ((v, true) :: assign) h
| Some assign ->
Some ((v, false) :: assign) ))
aux []

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
(name bdd)
(modules common hashconsed naive utils)
(pps bisect_ppx -conditional landmarks.ppx --auto))
(libraries expr memo hc landmarks))

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@